
Sometimes it can be painfully difficult to choose what to do on the weekend. And not only do you need to answer the question «what», you also need to understand «where». One of the cool options is the city from the title. In two days, you can do something there that some, unfortunately, do not manage to do in their lifetime. And you will definitely have time and love this place after reading our article. Why are we so sure? Well, read it, and you’ll see, hehe. We will even recommend you a specific place to stay – Hard Rock Hotel Davos. But more on that later, let’s start from the beginning.

Arguments in favor of the city

Image of a ski resort

Just imagine what he looks like, and you’ll understand everything. Can’t you imagine? Take a look at the picture. This is a place with stunning scenery and lots of possibilities. The town is cozy, hidden among the mountains. It’s so cool there that people from all over the world want to come there and come. How come you don’t know about him yet?

In addition to snow, there is also urban culture here. We recommend visiting various excursions, it is very interesting. Well, you don’t even have to talk about the resort part – ride everything your soul desires – skiing, snowboarding, your own feet… There are beautiful snow–covered forests — you can’t take your eyes off them. And it’s also very quiet – if you’re tired of the city noise, this is a really good place to relax your ears. Although you need to guess the season here – sometimes music festivals are held there, and during this period the whole city is immersed in the sound of driving and gentle melodies.

And where to live?

There are a lot of options, but this time we want to recommend this one – Hard Rock Hotel Davos. Everything here is saturated with music and if you are going to get to any concert, it will be a sin not to settle here.

Already at the entrance you will be greeted by the sounds of legendary tracks. If you pay attention to the walls, you will see everything connected with them – guitars, posters, other decorative elements. When you walk through such a corridor, willy-nilly you feel that you have entered the very atmosphere. It’s worth a lot.

The rooms themselves are decorated luxuriously, but at the same time simply. The materials, of course, are natural. The windows are panoramic. Looking at mountain landscapes from them is what the doctor ordered. Well, among other things, there are first-class facilities. For example, spas, restaurants serving delicious dishes. In a word, everyone wants to get here and gets here. You can become one of the lucky ones. And you don’t even need to pull a lottery ticket, just book yourself a suitable room.

How to spend the first day of the weekend

Mountain view from the apartment

If you want to get a ready-made program, what to do in two free days, now we will provide everything to you. You can start Saturday morning by waking up to soft pleasant music and the smell of fragrant coffee. Let your day light up with a smile from the very moment you turn on your consciousness – and the rest will be great. After brushing your teeth and other hygienic matters, start a light breakfast. Light, but satisfying – you have a busy day ahead of you and it is important that you have the strength and energy for it. Next, you go for a walk through a quiet, still half–asleep city. The views of the city itself, in addition to the nearby Alps, attract the eyes – everything is so beautiful and refined there. And very picturesque.

In the afternoon, it’s time to conquer the peaks. Whether you are an experienced skier or you are snowboarding for the first time, the endless slopes of Davos are waiting for you. Don’t forget to take a break and enjoy hot chocolate in one of the mountain cafes overlooking the endless snowy expanses. Not a fairy tale or a dream, but a reality.

Evening is the time to return to the hotel and plunge into the world of music. It is also a good time to try the local cuisine and enjoy unique dishes with an indescribable taste. The chefs here cook with special love – you will definitely not regret trying it.

And what about the second day?

We’ll leave the second day to you after all. There are many entertainments – choose. You can go on excursions alone for a couple of weeks. And there are pools, massages, concerts. We wish you not to get confused in all this and spend your weekend to the maximum. See you in the next articles.

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